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The Write or Die Chicks: Woman in the Story Review

The women represented in the stories we tell, no matter how small their role, are indispensable and deserve to be well-rounded, wholesome, and genuine. How does the screenwriter approach the feat of creating a three-dimensional character that stays true to form in their story? How can she be transitioned from the background to the fore and remain relatable to audiences outside of her gender, culture, or value structure? It begins with an internal look at the feminine make-up of the writer. 

In her book “The Woman in the Story: Writing Memorable Female Characters,” Helen Jacey provides a guide into the psyche of the femme protagonist. She invites writers to pull back the veil and uncover the connection between the women they write about and their approach to writing itself. At the core, the journey to creating a memorable female character rests with the writer’s willingness to dig deep into the values that inspire them to create aligning or alternative values for their women to believe in, regardless of their own gender identity.

Read the full review on The Write or Die Chicks: 
